Doing it all
In my life as a musician I get posts from musician's groups and one of those groups today had a question posed about clubs requiring musicians to bring in a crowd and promote themselves.
I began a response to that question by suggesting that we musicians have to wear many hats, we have to be good at our instruments (my primary instrument is my voice and secondarily my guitar) then we have to be promoters and sometimes graphic artists and public relations people and sellers of merchandise and on and on. This also got me thinking about how many hats we are now being asked to wear as actors.
As a voice over artist I have grown used to recording my own auditions at home, that's really a convenience but I also record audio books and other self-directed projects in my home studio. Those projects require me to be the audio engineer, director and artist. It's a challenge to do all of that well. In addition to that, over the last decade or so we have seen a tremendous increase in the number of requests to "self-tape" on-camera auditions.
So now, in addition to trying to give a good performance I also have to light myself, operate the camera and record decent audio. I just don't know if I can do all of those things at the same time and do them as well as I could separately. My major fear is that the acting will suffer. Ah well, I'm cruising towards the finale anyway, I'm sure that the younger people will be able to master all of these challenges and do them well.